• Ever wonder how some images are taken? often, it is the post processing in applications such as Photoshop that turn a good image into a great image often produced by professional photographers.

  • Posing #2

    23/10/2013 1:29:00 pm

    Here we go ladies, our 2nd instalment in posing to look hot in everyday photos....or something like that!

    Last time we talked about the standing position.  Body angled with shoulder slightly towards camera, weight on back foot, throw the hip, bend the front knee (go onto the toe if in flat shoes).  This time we learn some extra tricks to show a better body shape and slim the upper arms.

    Never let your arms hang lifeless at your sides. There is nothing flattering about an arm pushed against your side. To avoid pudgy arm syndrome, always have a bend in the elbow, then move the elbow away from the body slightly. Take notice of female news readers and look at how they hold their arms. Not a squished up tuck-shop arm between them!


    Straight away you can see a nicer shape to the arm and body.  The arm adds to the "S" curve we talked about last time.  Instead of hands on the hips you could also discreetly hook your thumb into your back pocket or belt loop, or even put your arm around someone else in the picture. Just get that arm away from your body. 

    Another trick is to gently place your hand on your thigh, relax your hand (fingers together and side of hand slightly towards the camera) and slide it up towards the hip a little (putting a bend in the elbow), then push your elbow away from your body slightly. Viola, transformation!   

    The bent elbow combined with the arm away from the body, gives space between your arm and your body and will slim you down and show your shape.  


    The clavicle is one of the most feminine parts of a woman. It's basically your collar bone.  If your clavicle is on show in a particular outfit, use it.  Add energy to your shoulder and accentuate your clavicle by pushing your shoulder forward but only in the tiniest of moves. Just enough to see that bone be accentuated.  It helps if your elbow isn't too far out to the side.  In the image above, Fiona's elbow is a little too far out to the side, she needs to push it backwards a little, more like the image below, but watch out for the "Tuck-Shop Arms Squish"!


    Next lesson we will tackle chins and face angle.

    Practise! Practise! Practise!




    Ok...ok... Here it is.  The blog on how to pose in everyday photos.  We seem to be having our photos taken more and more these days. EVERYONE has a camera phone and uploading to Facebook before you can say "...but I have 11 chins!".  Well fear not my cyber friends, because I'm here to reduce your chins to just one!


    If you have ever had a portrait session with me you will have heard me say things like "weight on back foot", "reset", "chin down and forward", "chin to shoulder", "smile with the eyes", "arms away from your body", "shoulder energy".  It may all sounds strange so let me elaborate to help you look your best in any photo.


    In return for this free advice I ask one thing: "Like " my Facebook page and share your best poses by posting pictures practicing these posing techniques. Let's have some fun with it.


    This post starts with the basics - how to stand. We'll cover chins and arms in the next post. My very accommodating sister-in-law, Fiona has selflessly volunteered to be my model for this series so THANK YOU FIONA!  some of these images are not particularly flattering but she is taking it on the chin (again, in some images, chins), for the sisterhood.

    Look at these images below.  Fi is standing front on, arms by her side and her feet together.  In this pose, there is no shape to her body, she look chunky (which she is not), and it is downright unflattering.  This seems to be a fairly common way to pose in everyday photographs.



    Learn From Fiona, STOP IT NOW! See below for how to do right.


     The great standing pose: 

    1) Always angle your body about 45 degrees to camera. Exactly how far to angle your body will depend on your body shape.  Practise in the mirror to find the best angle for your shape.


    2) Check bust and tummy to make sure you look hot. Too side on and you will accentuate your bust line but also any tummy bulge. Too front on and you just look like a brick.

    3) Standing at 45 degrees, place one foot backwards, away from your front foot about half a step.  

    4) Put all your weight on the back foot, and go up on your front toes so there is a bend in your front knee. 



    5) Finally, throw your hip out a bit (stick your bottom backwards).  Think, gum-chewing attitude and Pinky Tuscadero!

    We get shape from the bend in the front leg and the angle of our body, giving us what's know as an "S" curve.  We should always be aiming for the "S" curve.




    Happy posing.

















  • Favourite things!

    14/10/2013 12:21:00 pm

    Today I had the privilege  of photographing some of my favourite people, my Sister-in-Law and my 2 gorgeous nephews.  This image totally captures the love, devotion and bond between this special family of three.  Fun loving, beautiful mother, airline pilot,  and totally, all-round awesome friend, this woman is an inspiration to me.  How lucky I am to have joined this family!  

  • IMG_6631

    Launch of New Website Blog

    11/10/2013 9:13:00 am

    Hi there everyone!  I am very excited to announce  that I have launched the new site (right here, you are on it!), which now also features my blog page.  This is where I will update you on the comings and goings of LDP (Lisa Diamond Photography), and whatever else comes to mind.  I will post images of shoots that I am working on and update you with any competitions, deals or tips and tricks.  Feel free to go and LIKE my Facebook page too.  There you will see more images and updates.


    BTW  The image above is of a wonderful client of mine and her 1st baby listening to her 3rd baby.  Baby 3, Indigo, was born just last week and I get to photograph her on Tuesday!  I'm very excited as this will be their 8th photo shoot with me.


    Thanks for joining me and remember, when posing...shoulder energy and chin down and forward!

     Bye for now,
