Hi there everyone! I am very excited to announce that I have launched the new site (right here, you are on it!), which now also features my blog page. This is where I will update you on the comings and goings of LDP (Lisa Diamond Photography), and whatever else comes to mind. I will post images of shoots that I am working on and update you with any competitions, deals or tips and tricks. Feel free to go and LIKE my Facebook page too. There you will see more images and updates.
BTW The image above is of a wonderful client of mine and her 1st baby listening to her 3rd baby. Baby 3, Indigo, was born just last week and I get to photograph her on Tuesday! I'm very excited as this will be their 8th photo shoot with me.
Thanks for joining me and remember, when posing...shoulder energy and chin down and forward!
Bye for now,